Sunday, January 18, 2009

Music Review & News

Out 2nd March 2009


No line on the Horizon

I love my music, I find it so uplifting and motivational, especially when you can relate to the song or the lyrics or just the beat it has. I look back over the last 15 to 20 years and holidays, marriage, new births, holidays, years, graduating and in general milestones that I have had in my life can be associated to songs of that period.

Three albums that I am listening to at the moment quite frequently are James Morrison, Songs for you, truths for me. Its a great album, quite bluesie, acoustic and really soulful. Three songs on the album that really stand out for me that are on continous play on the Bose system and in the car are track 4 - Please dont stop the rain. Track 5 - Broken strings. Track 6 - Nothing ever hurt like you. Hes got a great voice and is playing in concert at Leeds Academy on the 2nd April which I have just booked so really looking forward to that.

The wife bought me the Kings of Leon album and as time has gone on I still havent tierd of this album. I have been practicing the drumming of "Your Sex is on Fire" from a clip I saw Youtube. Its pretty much there now so just need to get the a band together to play the rest!

Jason Mraz was passed onto me by Ben who lives round the corner. Its just such a great chilling out album. There are so many albums that can be easy listening but the words make you want to slit your wrist. This guy is really uplifting and is great to play on those lazy Sunday afternoons, playing with the kids, reading the papers and having a cup of Nettle and Peppermint Tea, pleasent.

The one musical highlight for me this year is going to be the launch of U2's new album on the 2nd March, No line on the horizon. I really cant wait. Vertigo was such an awesome album for a number of reasons. Each song had really powerful lyrics that were wrote from the heart. Edges guitar playing on the album was as innovative but the same old same old as ever if that makes sense.

The making of the new album from the boys.
Only 44 days to go until the release.......

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