Monday, October 20, 2008

Practice what you preach!

My first week back at work has been manic to say the least! As within previous blogs, I have alluded to how important time management is and this week has just totally gone out the window! I returned back to work with 270 emails, voice messages and urgent requests so what I had planned to do on Monday didn't happen at all, in fact I didn't get anywhere close to it.

Monday was spent all day picking up with my team, sorting out issues and going through emails. Its strange, before you go on holiday (or paternity) you rush around trying to get things done for when you are away and when you come back its no different! By 10am on Monday morning I hadn't felt like I had had the last 2 weeks off, in fact I felt like I had never been away.

Monday ended on a great high through, my buddy Ben and me had an awesome training session. We started off with a 15 minute run, then some really intense workouts on the punch bag, free weights, working on core stability and generally getting the heart rate pumped whilst doing the weights. After the session I was feeling really pumped and the adrenaline was running high. Ben went onto have a great week of training, I on the other hand, didn't do anything else that week.
There are two main reasons why I only had one training session. First of all the volume of work and secondly not feeling 100%. Symptoms been sore throat, headache and general lack of energy.

To emphasis the time, its now over two weeks since I initially started this chapter of the blog so I have decided to write that week off........................

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