Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The start of 2009 has been quite different to the start of any other year that I can remember. Myself and Nikki have very active lifestyles and what with work and looking after the kids, we are also very conscious of eating healthy for the whole family to maintain that health and avoid sickness. In saying that, the whole family has been plagued by sickness at the start of the year.

I'm still feeling sick myself after starting with a sickness and diarrhea bug on Saturday. I haven't felt or suffered with a dose of sickness like this for a long time. My actual sickness has now turned to just feeling very tierd, weak and lethargic. I hate feeling like this, its not much and very frustrating. When I start to feel like I am feeling better after been on my feet for 10 Min's, I feel beat, although I do feel like I am moving in the right direction. To be honest, from how I felt on Saturday and Sunday I feel like I am on top of the world! I spent most of the weekend either sat or over the toilet (not going into to much detail). Really intense stomach pains and going hot and cold didn't really make for a pleasant time. I guess this is what happens when you double your family size over a couple of years. Nyah has started going to nursery and interacting more with children her age and older which increases her chances of catching infections and Ciara is in the process of having her first injections, all I guess add to the risk of us all catching things.

Before this all started we had a lovely Friday evening with our friends Dash and Nat. I cooked for the first time (and no it wasnt my cooking that made me ill and everyone else was ok!) Sirlion Steak medium cooked for the boys and Salmon for the girls with veg and potatoes. It went down really well.

Also recieved notiftication through the post for my entry for the Great North Run in August which I am excited about. The training has been on and off over the last couple of weeks due to sickness and the weather but when I have been training I have felt great and have really been pushing myself. I will be looking to include more CV training and gaining more miles under my belt over the coming months. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, this years training is all about sustainability in delivering results.

I am hoping to be back at work for Wednesday and building up my strength with a view to training at the back end of the week. Im also hoping that thew weather is going to improve. We have had some serious amounts of snow and freezing temperatures which has resulted in ice so hoping this will clear to enable me start on those running miles.

Have a good week and hope you dont catch the traveling sickness bugs!

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