Friday, September 26, 2008

Its the final Countdown!

Well what a week. I have started this new role as sales manager but at the same time I am still covering my old role as account manager. The work load this week has been on the limit and I have struggled with the "work life balance" but next week should bring an easier week. Oh I forgot, Nikki is due on Wed, maybe its just the start!
Nikki has been a real truper during this pregnancy. Things were pretty smooth with Nyah but the new addition has certainly made her presence known
(surely she cant be as active as Nyah!?)
Nikki is the type of person that what every she gets dealt with or what ever she sets her mind to she will always succeed and do well, (thats why I never win a bebate or argument with her!)
Over the last 27 months, Nikki has been pregnant for 18 months! WOW, thats a long time!

Despite the work load this week I have managed time to fit in 3 sessions in the gym and just as important really watch my diet (saying that I am having a can of Guiness while I write this!). I have been training on and off now for 12 years and really enjoy it but I never feel I have reached my Optimum, in fact far from it. Milestones in our life have meant prioritising on more important aspects. This is fine because I feel that I am getting closer to realizing my dreams of my home, family, financial and personal standards.

Its interesting, I am doing an IMP (Introduction to Management) course at work at the moment. As part of the coursework I have watched a video by Professor Randy Pausch. Randy is a renowned speaker and this pod cast is an excellent motivational piece of work that stresses the importance of "time management". He refers to the old moto, Failing to plan is planning to fail, and this is so true. Being successful dosent make you manage your time well, managing your time well makes you successful. Whats more amazing and unique about Randys position is that he has terminal cancer with only months to live so you can see importance of Time Management.
The very nature of my work invloves concious time management, but this is more impotant in my personal life. Not just for what I plan to do with my wife and daughter (s) when I finish work on an evening, but what I want to achieve with them that weekend, that month, that year all invloves time management. This is further extended to milestones in life such as planning for retirement, childrens education, birthdays, weddings and holidays to name a few.

Plan each day, week, month, quarter and year. You can change your plan, but only if you have one!
Since our honeymoon, myself and Nikki have not been abroad so a big part of my plan for next year is to book two holidays. I would like to get the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander in Northern Spain then travel through Roija to Barcelona then up to the north east coast of Spain. A friend of ours Kat did the similiar with her son and they stayed at Euro Camp. This is really affordable accomodation and at the same time puts you in great locations next to some of the greatest cities in the world.

Its now Friday night and Nikki is due next Wednesday. Its Nyahs Godmothers 30th Birthday tommorrow (27th September). They live down in Coventry and we were both really eager to see Noushy on her special birthday (and so is Nyah) so we have the plan of setting off at 07:30am on saturday morning and staying for a couple hours then driving back. It will be great to see them, they love Nyah and are great with her. I am just keeping my fingers crossed I dont have to turn into a midwife on the M1 and deliver daughter number 2!!!
You see, im planning my time more effectively already...............

1 comment:

Ben G said...

Nice one MacLovin, An interesting couple of posts, I look forward reading the next one. Will it be written during Nikki's labour, live commentary?

Catch you later